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The PAC Influencer Awards recognize excellence in the post-acute care (PAC) industry. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, innovation in technology, processes, and solutions will play a key role in determining the future of healthcare many years to come. These awards recognize both organizations and individuals responsible for influencing innovation, change and improvement in long-term care.


The first annual PAC Influencer Awards will be issued at the 2020 Synergy Summit. If you know someone who is a PAC industry leader worthy of recognition, or an organization implementing ground-breaking models, improvements or processes, we encourage you to submit a nomination for one of the following awards:


PAC Innovator of the Year Award

Best New PAC Product or Service Award


Leadership Excellence Award

Clinical Excellence Award

Pharmacy Excellence Award


Nominations for the award will be solicited throughout 2019, with a board comprised of industry thought leaders reviewing nominations and selecting awardees. We hope you will join us in making these awards demonstrate the value, innovation and leadership that drive this powerful industry we are proud to be part of.

If you would like to participate as a board member, or nominate a board member or awardee, please complete the nomination form below.




Select One:
PAC Innovator of the Year AwardBest New PAC Product or Service AwardLeadership Excellence AwardClinical Excellence AwardPharmacy Excellence AwardBoard Member